It is our responsibility to take care of the body that God has given us. Include in a healthy life style is a fair shame of physical activity. Through this course students are encouraged to take on the habit of regular exercise. For this purpose, this course is designed to be fun and enjoyable. Sports is also a very effective tool to teach students godly character traits such as discipline, the important of effort, teamwork, and auger management.

Course Objective
Students will learn a variety of sports. Skill and rules needed to be known and mastered for each kind of sport is learned by doing. A love for the outdoors is also encouraged by going on Physical Education outings on a regular basis.

Various balls (soccer balls, basketball, ping-pong balls, etc)
Indoor goals
Indoor baskets
Badminton rackets

Time Allotment
50 minutes per day, 1 day a week

Course Content

  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Capture the Flag
  • Dodge ball
  • Hand Ball
  • Indoor soccer (futsal)
  • Kick ball
  • Volley ball